Hearn/Conner Ahnentafel
Lerma E. Hearn
An Ahnentafel (German for "ancestors table") report is a narrative form of a pedigree chart. It begins with one person and moves backward in time. The narrative includes the source person's parents, their parents, etc. along with information about each ancestor. The report is divided by generation.

Comments on ahnentafel numbering: Each individual is assigned a unique ahnentafel number, beginning with 1 for the source person. That person's father has an ID number that is exactly double this number. The individual's mother has an ID number that is one greater than the father's number.

Navigation: Clicking on the small “chart” icon to the right of a name jumps to the page on which that person’s parent is listed. (Note that the parent may be on the same page as the child.) If there is no chart icon, there is no parent listed. Clicking on “Previous” or “Next” at the bottom of the page moves to the indicated page.

Comments about Accuracy: To the best of our knowledge, all parent-child relationships are correct. Some spellings are questionable, as are some dates. Source citations are indicated by bracketed numbers; clicking on a bracketed number opens the Sources page, with the selected reference at the top of the screen. To return to the narrative report, click the “back” arrow on your browser. The date of the most recent update is found at the bottom of each page.

Please feel free to use our information as a basis for further research--but take advantage of opportunities to study original sources or well documented published materials.

We welcome additions, corrections, questions, and suggestions.